Programmazione funzionale - Call By Reference
In Call by Reference, il original value is changedperché passiamo l'indirizzo di riferimento degli argomenti. Gli argomenti effettivi e formali condividono lo stesso spazio degli indirizzi, quindi qualsiasi cambiamento di valore all'interno della funzione si riflette sia all'interno che all'esterno della funzione.
Chiamata per riferimento in C ++
Il seguente programma mostra come funziona Call by Value in C ++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
int temp;
temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
cout<<"\n"<<"value of a inside the function: "<<*a;
cout<<"\n"<<"value of b inside the function: "<<*b;
int main() {
int a = 50, b = 75;
cout<<"\n"<<"value of a before sending to function: "<<a;
cout<<"\n"<<"value of b before sending to function: "<<b;
swap(&a, &b); // passing value to function
cout<<"\n"<<"value of a after sending to function: "<<a;
cout<<"\n"<<"value of b after sending to function: "<<b;
return 0;
Produrrà il seguente output:
value of a before sending to function: 50
value of b before sending to function: 75
value of a inside the function: 75
value of b inside the function: 50
value of a after sending to function: 75
value of b after sending to function: 50
Chiama per riferimento in Python
Il seguente programma mostra come funziona Call by Value in Python:
def swap(a,b):
t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
print "value of a inside the function: :",a
print "value of b inside the function: ",b
# Now we can call swap function
a = 50
b =75
print "value of a before sending to function: ",a
print "value of b before sending to function: ",b
x = swap(a,b)
print "value of a after sending to function: ", x[0]
print "value of b after sending to function: ",x[1]
Produrrà il seguente output:
value of a before sending to function: 50
value of b before sending to function: 75
value of a inside the function: 75
value of b inside the function: 50
value of a after sending to function: 75
value of b after sending to function: 50